Tuesday 14 May 2013

Nature and Paint

I have this desire to take more photos of people. I often see a lot of the photos in the beautiful outdoors that I take and see how easily (I shouldn't say easily, it's not that simple) I could plop a person in and make it that much more beautiful. I am trying to gear up for my first engagement shoot. EVER. in about a week's time, and it's really helping me to look at some photography blogs that use the outdoors SO well and in ways you might not expect. That's what I'm striving for, and I'm hoping one day my ability to do that will help me stand out and define me in what I capture. After all, it's the little things that count, right? You'd be surprised what sunlight streaming through a couple trees or blades of grass can do to make you love a photo that much more.

That's only slightly unrelated to the photos I have to share today.

Last week I did (and by I did I mean I was present for, and just crept around and took photos of) some attempted paint brush turned-to-finger painting. Fun!

My front yard tree started making it's transition to it's state for the summer! Shedding these beauties and creating a perfect outline for whoever's car was parked there...

Thursday 9 May 2013

What I've been up to the last 2ish weeks...

Life is good. Here are some reasons why...

1. Birthday presents in the form of bubbles.

I was a split-second too late with the shutter on this one. She was catching a bubble

Oh, you cayuuute.

FAV. so pretty.

2. summer barbeque weather. 
These are black bean burgers and zucchini and mushrooms. all done on the barbeque. THE BEST. 

casually waiting for our meal

3. The fact that hammocks exist. Utmost relaxation. There's nothing like a good life chat in a hammock with a really good friend.

Figuring out straps....
 My view from Jodi's hammock....

4. Converse season!

5. Slacklines and new friends.

I have this new addiction/hobby of slacklining. Not only do I love it to WORK MY CORE (haha), and improve my balance (which if you know me, you know I have none of), but it has this funny way of bringing people together. People who walk by and you would probably never think to talk to or say hello to otherwise (middle-aged house renovators, for example). People who like to hang out in parks by trees. My kind of people. Here's one of them.

6. Puppies. 
Actually. Dogs of all kinds. This is Bernie. Need I say more? I don't think so.

7. Parks, and walks with friends.
As a subcategory of this: NATURE!

Just a girl and her dog :)

8. Kids. So young and wild and freeeeeee!

Fun fact: the silly boy above pushed the button for this beautiful photo of Jodi!